“The more we can learn that skill of asking better questions, of being curious, of self-examining our own biases and perspectives - Wow. That's the kind of world that I want to be a part of.”
Rev. Dr. Timothy Tang, Director of Tyndale Intercultural Ministries, shares with us what cultural competency means, how it benefits us in life and work, challenges practitioners face, and easy (and fun!) ways we can all grow our intercultural awareness. (No training programs required!)
In this episode
We talk about:
What to call intercultural _____, and what it is
Cultural differences in names and titles
Sometimes the biggest challenge is realizing what your existing lens is (or that you have one)
Applying cultural competency at work and in leadership
Diversity is skin colour, but it's not just skin colour
Pulling your “diversity muscle”
Practical (and easy) ways to start your intercultural learning
Meeting people where they’re at – through movies, food, dance
Guest bio and references:
Reverend Dr. Timothy Tang was a pastor at East Toronto Chinese Baptist Church for over 15 years, during which time he obtained his doctorate in leadership, specializing in intercultural development. He's now the Director of Tyndale Intercultural Ministries (the “TIM Centre”), which is part of Tyndale University in Toronto.
Just some of the services that the TIM Centre provides are: intercultural resources for networking, training, and research; a certificate program in ministry and organizational leadership; and intercultural assessment, training and coaching for teams and individuals.
The websites Tim mentioned on the podcast are:
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Episode Transcript
Please note: the transcripts attempt to stay true to the essence of each conversation, while maintaining clarity and readability. As a result, certain "filler" words, and nuances of tone, emotion and emphasis will be missing.
If you're able, you're strongly encouraged to listen to the audio podcast. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human editors, and may contain errors.
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Music Credits for this Episode
Intro Music:
What Words Can't Describe, by Vlad Gluschenko
License: CC BY 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Outro Music:
Beautiful Modern Rock Pop Guitar All Goodness Background Music, by Royalty Free Music
License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en